Pentru o istorie a viselor romanesti: probleme ale cercetarii, surse si tipologie / For a History of Romanian Dreams: Problems of Research, Sources and Typology
1 Ianuarie 2013
Cuvinte cheie:
vise în istorie
vise în literatură
tipologia viselor
interpretarea viselor
onirologie istorică
dreams in history
dreams in literature
dreams typology
interpretation of dreams
historical oneirology
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e paper is presenting the bibliography and the sources referring to the dreams in the Romanian history. After
reviewing the bibliography, a classification and an analysis of dreams is made, divided into “real dreams”, “fictional
dreams”, “daydreams”, “interpreted dreams” and “visions”. e main authors of the dream studies (in connection
with the Romanian history, literature and culture) are Ovidiu Moceanu, Matei Cazacu, Sultana Craia, Aurel
Pantea, Andrei Oişteanu. e conclusions highlight the importance of the historical onirology, in the framework
of the Romanian cultural history.