Sorin Mitu

Pentru o istorie a viselor romanesti: probleme ale cercetarii, surse si tipologie / For a History of Romanian Dreams: Problems of Research, Sources and Typology

Jan. 1, 2013

vise în istorie
vise în literatură
tipologia viselor
interpretarea viselor
onirologie istorică
dreams in history
dreams in literature
dreams typology
interpretation of dreams
historical oneirology



e paper is presenting the bibliography and the sources referring to the dreams in the Romanian history. After reviewing the bibliography, a classification and an analysis of dreams is made, divided into “real dreams”, “fictional dreams”, “daydreams”, “interpreted dreams” and “visions”. e main authors of the dream studies (in connection with the Romanian history, literature and culture) are Ovidiu Moceanu, Matei Cazacu, Sultana Craia, Aurel Pantea, Andrei Oişteanu. e conclusions highlight the importance of the historical onirology, in the framework of the Romanian cultural history.