Elek Szaszkó

Lista de socoteli din anii 1517/1518 a domeniului nobiliar de la Sződi (Zeudy). Date privind posesiunile familiei Gersei Pető in sudul Campiei Pannonice / The registry of the revenues and expenses of the Sződi manor from 1517/1518 (Contributions to the possessions of the Gersei Pető family in the southern Region of the Great Hungarian Plain)

1 Ianuarie 2018

Cuvinte cheie:
domeniu nobiliar
lista de socoteli
Gersei Pető family
Arad County
registry of revenues and expenses
familia Pető Gersei
comitatul Arad



As medieval sources of the southern Great Hungarian Plain are scarce and limited, every little crumbs of information should be cherished by the researcher. !is is especially true, when one stumbles upon an especially rare type of medieval source related to the region, which, in our case, is the registry of the revenues and expenses of the Sződi manor in Arad County obtained by Gersei Pető János and György from 1506/07. !e luckily survived document from 1517/18, according to which the castellan of the manor was able to record 335 forints of revenues, provides a great insight into the nature of the incomes and the forms of revenue utilizations in the late Middle Ages. We can observe expenses ranging from Pető János and his family’s personal expenses, through the costs of running the manor, the cookhouse, the salary of the retinue and other military expenses to the purchases of various types of simple clothes. !e analysis of the registry is preceded by the summary of how the Gerseis gained a foothold in the region which intends to highlight the steps and the circumstances of the acquisition of the possessions known as the former Pósa& estates. Also, while investigating the actual size of the Sződi manor and the southern assets, the study attempts to examine the Gerseis’ relationship with their lay and clerical, prestigious and less signi& cant local neighbours as well.