Cristian Virag

Considerații privind pintaderele din nord-vestul României / Regarding the Early Neolithic clay stamps from North-Western Romania

1 Ianuarie 2022

Cuvinte cheie:
nord-vestul Romaniei
neolitic timpuriu



The article presents eight clay stamps from the Starčevo-Criş site of Tăşnad. Seven of them are unpublished (Pl. I/2; Pl. II), one published in an exhibition catalogue (Pl. I/1). This category of pieces originates in the Anatolian area and spread with the process of Neolithisation. Such pieces are rare and raise many discussions and hypotheses about their functionality. Various assumptions have been made about their functionality, some authors attributing a practical function to these pieces, like decorating ceramics, printing textiles and leather, tattooing human bodies, marking goods as a sign of ownership. Others give cultic values to these pieces like marking the food (i.e., the “sacred bread”), or the role as talismans or pendants with magical, protective values. The small variety of motifs present on these pieces as well as the presence of these motifs on cult pieces such as idols, altars, anthropomorphic vessels or vessels with anthropomorphic representations, are arguments for a magical-religious functionality.