Zoltan Iusztin

Stăpanitorii cetăţii Severin in secolul al XIV-lea / Lords of the Fortress of Severin in the 14thCentury

1 Ianuarie 2016

Cuvinte cheie:
Regatul Ungariei
Banatul de Severin
The Banate of Severin
The Hungarian Kingdom
The Ban of Severin
Political Institutions
Ţara Românească
Banul de Severin
Instituţii Politice



Since its foundation until its abolishion The Banat of Severin represent the hegeomonic ambitions of medieval Hungary in the Lower Danube area. For the Romanian Rulers the conquest of Severin fortress, confirmed with the official title, testified their political authority increase against the Hungarian kings. After the disappearance of the first border mark who wanted to be the thirteenth century Banat of Severin, the new founded province, which carried the same name become on object of dispute between the two neighbors. In fact throughouth fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, for the Hungarian crow the Honore and revenues of the Banat of Severin was limiteted to the same fortress and the management of the fortress from Timiş-Cerna Channel and those on the Danube, upstream from Severin. The conquest of the fortress by Romanian rulers was seized by adopting the title of Ban of Severin, thus, testifying the territorial expansion of Wallchia to the western boundary of the Banat Highlands. In the mentioned period the possession of the fortress was divided between the two countries, but with the time, in this dispute intervene the Ottoman Turks.