Călin Timoc

Câteva sarcofage din piatră de la Dierna (Orșova) din lapidariul Muzeului Național al Banatului / Some Stone Coffins Discovered in Dierna (Orșova) from Lapidary National Museum of Banat

1 Ianuarie 2016

Cuvinte cheie:
oraș portuar
stone coffins
port city
sarcofage din piatră



The ancient city of Dierna can not be archaeological investigated because of the Danube waters that forms in the area the reservoir of Iron Gates. We know little about the roman settlement and exploitation of any information is important to write the history of this place. The stone coffins found in the necropolis of Dierna and preserved in diffrent museums offer us relevant information about the ancient population here and they funeral beliefs. Such a category of materials are the few limestone coffins from Dierna, of whose existence we already know from the beginning of the last century that adorned the exhibition of the museum from Timișoara. Of these monuments (a large adult coffin, a child sarcophagus and a small oval stone bowl used increasingly likely for the burial of a newborn child) will be analysed in this paper.