Vasile Rămneanţu

Activitatea Primăriei Timişoara în perioada 1926-1927 / The activity of Timişoara City Hall in the period 1926 – 1927

1 Ianuarie 2012

Cuvinte cheie:
activity hall Timișoara
activitatea Primariei Timișoara



! e present study analyses the activity of the Permanent Delegation and of the Communal Council of Timişoara City Hall between 1926–1927. As a conclusion, during the analysed period both the Permanent Delegation and the Communal Council were solicitous about the proper functioning of the communal enterprises being taken the nesessary measures for the restoration of the Hydroelectric Plant, for the development of the Water Supply Plant and of the Slaughter-house. As it concerns the Communal Cinemas the running of quality movies was decided and the increase of the number of cultural fi lms. ! e two leading bodies of Timişoara City Hall took care of the fi nalization of the reconstruction works of the Communal ! eatre, delayed both because of funds shortage and of the central level redtape. At the same time new credits were voted needful for putting into use of this important cultural institution. Between the years 1926 –1927 the City Hall gave subsidies to some cultural institutions, being also donated a house lot to the National House of the city. As it concerns the education, there were accomplished works of maintenance at the primary school buildings and the necessary reparations at the apprentice halls. Attention has been given to higher education too, a grant being voted for Polytechnical School. At the same time Permanent Delegation members and those of the Communal Council were concerned with the establishing of the Commercial Academy, the mayor of the city Ioan Doboșan interceding in that direction at Vasile Goldiş and Octavian Goga ministers who promissed their support. Concomitantly, funds were assigned for the fi nalisation of the works at Commercial School. Timişoara City Hall awarded in this interval scholarships and subventions for poor pupils and for those from Timoc Valley. In health domain, the construction of a new hospital will be considered, the plans being approved by the competent authorities, a public auction being decided in view of starting the works. An auction was decided also for the construction of a pavilion at Ferdinand Hospital. As for the construction works, measures were taken for repairing the pavements, bridges, and roads, for water courses stabilization, for land drainages, being accomplished also works of protection against the fl oods. New tram lines were built in the city, being decided the digging of a new fountain too. Measures were taken for two important issues that the inhabitants of the city were facing: the purifi cation of the exploitation water from Bega and “Balta Verde” terrain innings. The management of the City Hall was interested in the social problems of the city, supporting the poor and the unemployed with the help of “popular cuisines” that functioned especially durig winter. Plans were made for the construction of five workers’ houses to shelter the homeless. In the two years there were awarded a series of subventions to charitable and students sodalities, etc. In the year 1927, the new mayor of Timișoara city, Lucian Georgevici, according to the laws in force, presented his program about the development of the city. The priorities of this program were culture and education, fact that highlights the Romanian politicians’ way of thinking between the two World War. On the cultural fi eld, they intended to fi nish the reconstruction of the Communal ! eatre and to hire a permanent troupe. Another priority was a Cultural Palace in which to carry out their activity the National Education House, the Museum and other cultural institutions. ! e construction of the Romanian Orthodox Cathedral was also among the priorities. As for the education, a target was fi nishing the construction of the Commercial Academy and starting its activity and the construction of more hostels for the countryside pupils. Attention was payed for the support and developmentof the vocational schools network of utmost importance for the strengthening of the industry in Banat region. For improving the transport network of the city, they intended to move the railway line that crossed the center of city, to build new streets, to connect the suburban villages with the city through trams. ! e program also contained the development of the communal enterprises, the construction of the new hospital and of the workers’ houses. In the economic sector, model farms had to be established for the purveyance of the city inhabitants. In order to accomplish major investments, Lucian Georgevici had in mind the model before 1914, that is the commitment of long term loans.