Adrian Deheleanu

Dr. Elie Miron Cristea – patriarh şi personalitate politică / Dr. Elie Miron Cristea – patriarch and political personality

1 Ianuarie 2017

Cuvinte cheie:
Biserica ortodoxă română
the Romanian Orthodox Church
prim ministru
Prime Minister
autoritate monarhică
monarchical authority



During the Hungarian domination of Transylvania, Romanian priests, the Orthodox ones as well as the Greekcatholics – were strongly involved in the struggle for the defense of the Romanian national and for the union of this historic province with the mother country, Romania. The priest Miron Cristea was an emblematic personality of political militancy, on a national field. After the Great Union of December 1, 1918, Miron Cristea had to take the most important political positions in the Romanian state: member of the Regency (July 1927 – June 1930) and Chairman of the Council of Ministers (February 10, 1938 – March 6, 1939). Miron Cristea was an excellent leader of the Romanian Orthodox Church, who has linked his name that not only was the first patriarch, but also for his contributions in the field of theology, monastic life organization etc. He was involved in the Romanian state politics in the difficult moments of Romania’s existence, with the hope that through his balance spirit he will succeed to end the disputes, to introduce an atmosphere of normalcy in the Romanian society. Unfortunately, his good intentions were canceled by the interwar Romanian realities.