Ciprian Glăvan

Criza agricolă din Banat din anii 1863–1864 / The agricultural crisis in Banat in the years 1863– 1864

1 Ianuarie 2017

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The main cause of the agricultural crisis that took place in Banat in the years 1863–1864, was the fact that 1863 was a very dry year. These circumstances lead to a catastrophic harvest, which had a significant effect on the agriculture of the region, which was based mainly on the monoculture of cereals. Confronted with this dire situation, the peasants of the region were forced to slaughter many of their domestic animals and to search for ways of surviving the coming winter. To make it through this difficult time the needy received the help of the authorities and different charitable initiatives. This situation was widely reflected in the local newspapers Temesvarer Zeitung, Werschetzer Gebirgsbote and Grossbecskereker Wochenblatt. After this difficult time had passed, there were different ideas on how to avoid a similar situation in future.