Sorin Mitu

Date genealogice şi prosopografice referitoare la familia Cornea-Barbu de Ileni (sec. XVII – XX) / Genealogical and Prosopographical Data Regarding Cornea-Barbu of Ileni Family (17th – 20th Centuries)

1 Ianuarie 2015

Cuvinte cheie:
history of élites
secolele XVII–XX
istoria elitelor
17th–20th centuries



The paper is presenting some historical data concerning a Romanian family, originary from Ileni, a small village near Făgăraş. In 1628, Oprea Cornea, a boyar from Ileni, was ennobled by Prince Gabriel Bethlen of Transylvania. During the following four centuries many members of this family played an important role in the history of their communities, as local nobles, priests, lawyers or officials. The main branch of the family is still in existence, living in Ileni. Another branch of the Cornea-Barbu family established itself in the Arad County at the end of the 18th century. The saga of this family provides precious information regarding the history of the Romanian élites in Transylvania, during the modern period.