Dragoș Diaconescu
Sorin Tincu
Consideraţii arheologice privind necropola tumulară de la Silvaşu de Jos-„Dealu Ţapului” (oraş Haţeg, jud. Hunedoara) / Archaeological Considerations Regarding the Tumular Necropolis from Silvaşu de Jos-Dealul Ţapului (Haţeg Town, Hunedoara County)
1 Ianuarie 2016
Cuvinte cheie:
late copper age
cultura Coțofeni
Epoca târzie a cuprului
Early Bronze Age
Epoca timpurie a Bronzului
Tumular necropolis
necropolă tumulară
Yamnaya influences
influențe Yamnaya
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The archaeological site from Silvașu de Jos-Dealu Țapului was considered as being a tumular cemetery belonging to the latest phase (III) of the Coțofeni culture. New data obtained during the research campaign from 2015 proved that from the stratigraphical point of view the inhumation grave from mounds M3 is younger than the features belonging to Coțofeni III stage, from the same barrow. The AMS dates obtained from this site (4 belonging to the inhumations graves and 4 to the Coțofeni III features) supports very well these stratigraphical observations. Consequently the Coțofeni III features should be framed between 3322–3062 cal BC and the inhumations graves stage between 2810–2642 cal BC. Thus, based also on the rite and rituals elements, the inhumations graves from Silvașu de Jos barrows can be considered part of the later stage of the Ochre Graves.