Ovidiu Emil Iudean

Political Options and Electoral Behaviour in the Case of the Arad Romanian Elite at the End of the Nineteenth Century

1 Ianuarie 2016

Cuvinte cheie:
political strategies
electoral phenomena
political elite
Arad County



Our study aims at capturing some aspects of political behavior and attitudes of the local elites, in the county of Arad, during the parliamentary elections from 1884, starting from a series of events that profoundly influenced the direction of political action of the Romanian intellectuals in Arad. The purpose was to approach the internal political context surrounding the 1884 elections, the origins of the two political directions in the county of Arad in this period, the kinship relations of the major political figures, as well as their involvement in the campaign and the elections themselves. We tried to achieve a detailed image of the political opinions, electoral strategies and the particular and group interests that dominated the political class in Arad in the last decades of the 19th century.