Aspecte privind circulaţia rutieră de persoane în Reşiţa, în perioada interbelică / Aspects on Road Traffic People in Reşiţa in the Interwar Period
1 Ianuarie 2016
Cuvinte cheie:
education road
road traffic
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Road traffic brings to three elements: the road, the vehicle and the driver, who reported in time and space can provide a assemblies mentality, lifestyle and behavior of a population. Through these measures, the foundations of education Resita road that residents had to learn (either driver or pedestrian) and the first step in this direction was precisely empowerment. By means of transport used focus is on accessibility (can travel to areas where the train could not penetrate). Building roads, bridges widening allow communication lines. Thus, the development of road transport in Resita community in the interwar period reveals a flexible, dynamic and open to new opportunities.