Conceptul de vid in arta modernă şi contemporană / Concept of Void in Modern and Contemporary Art
1 Ianuarie 2018
Cuvinte cheie:
avangarda artistică
arta moderna
artistic avangarde
modern art
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e Void is a fundamental notion in the tradition of milenary wisdom that dessignates Nothingness, Non-being or
those determinations that are opposed to existence. Vacuity or the Void is a central ontological category to many
philosophical sistems and spiritual traditions (budism, platonism, early mystical christianity, Hegel’s philosophy).
Many physicists including Harold Aspen, Paul Dirac, Shiuji Inomata and omas Bearden have postulated the
existance of void as a real energetic "eld.
is article o#ers a short description of the traditional chinese painting that was viewed as a philosophy that
combines symbols and cosmic elements to express the soul and inner movements of creation. e void in chinese
paintings represents the space that is not created, or the space that was not touched by ink, often depicted as
clouds, fog, water Fig.1.
Artists of the artistic avangard of XX century are included, such as: Kazimir Malevici, Piet Mondrian, Paul Klee,
Mark Rothko, Yves Klein, Barnett Newman, contemporary artist Anish Kapoor, Lee Ufan. ey explored new
ways, new regions, they found new possibilities to create and express the unseen and the space that is behind existence and sustains it.
ese are part of the artists that have created works of art by destroing the object into art, with the purpose to
bring closer the art to the inner truth of conscience, reaching to total abstraction the art is absorbed by the life of
spirit that animates all creation. ey had the intuition that reality is not what is seems, and it is much more than
we are able to perceive, it is mysterious, animated by the vital breaths1
, and so the painting becomes a microcosmos
that mirrors the macrocosmos.