Sorin Tincu

Cercetările arheologice de la Hunedoara. Considerații privind încadrarea culturală și cronologică a descoperirilor / The Archaeological Researches from Hunedoara. Considerations Regarding Cultural and Chronological Framing of the Discoveries

1 Ianuarie 2015

Cuvinte cheie:
modelare Bayesiană a datelor 14C
Bayesian approaches of 14C dates



In this study is presented the rescue archaeological research from Hunedoara – Judecătorie developed in 2011–2012 and the 14C charcoal dates from the following features: L1, C2, C4. These dates were first modeled together, and because of the analogies for the ceramic in Foeni group discoveries from Alba Iulia – Lumea Nouă, the dates were modeled also with the charcoal 14C dates from this last settlement (B1/Sp. II/2006 (POZ–19451=5700±50 BP) and (POZ–19490=6090±50 BP). The time span for the Hunedoara – Judecătorie discoveries is between 4746 and 4465 BC, contemporary with D1 phase of Vinča culture and partially with the last phase of Turdaș culture and Iclod Group.