Michael Glascock
Alex Barker
Florin Draşovean

Sourcing Obsidian Artifacts from Archaeological Sites in Banat (Southwest Romania) by X-ray Fluorescence

1 Ianuarie 2015

Cuvinte cheie:
sourcing obsidian artifacts by X-ray Fluorescence
sursele de la Čejkov și Vinicky
neolitic și eneolitic în Banat
sursele de obsidian
artefacte din obsidian



This article concerns the chemical analysis by X-ray fluorescence and source determination for five obsidian artifacts from archaeological sites in Banat (Southwest Romania). The results show that all of the artifacts could be assigned to an obsidian source located in the Kosice region of Slovakia. The specific source is known as Čejkov and it is a sub-source of the Vinicky source.