Călin Cosma

O locuință de războinic din secolul VII de la Iernut/Sfântu Gheorghe (jud. Mureş) / A 7th Century Warriorhouse at Iernut/Sfântu Gheorghe (Mureş County)

1 Ianuarie 2014

Cuvinte cheie:
Early Middle Ages
Evul Mediu timpuriu



$e present study analyzes a dwelling identi…ed inside the 6th and 7th centurie’s settlement at Iernut-Sfântu Gheorghe, containing a series of artefacts which can be related to the presence of a warrior. $e archaeological site at Iernut-Sfântu Gheorghe village (Mureş County) is positioned at the eastern limit of the modern village, in a place called “Pe Şes” by the locals. $e site displays a sequence of inhabitation starting from prehistory and continuing during the Roman period and the 6th and 7th, 8th – 11th, and 12th – 14th centuries (Fig. 1.1 – 2). Dwelling no. 1/1994 was discovered inside surface S1, it measured 3.00 × 3.10 m and it was orientated W–E. An almost completely destroyed oven (Fig. 2.1 – 2) was identi…ed near the south-eastern corner and the whole structure was a;ected by a strong …re. $e inventory of the dwelling consists of pottery fragments and iron objects: a spur, a bit, an arrowhead and a spearhead (Pl. 1 – 7). $e majority of the archaeological …nds, displaying strong traces of secondary burning, were collected from an ash layer overlapping the "oor and not from the upper layers related to the abandonment of the dwelling. $us, the context of the discovery indicates with certainty that the …nds were used during the last phases of function and they did not arrive inside the structure after its destruction. Dwelling L. 1/1994 from Iernut-Sfântu Gheorghe can be dated during the 7th century with the possibility of narrowing down the period of its existence in the second half of the same century. $e archaeological …nds argue for the identi…cation of the structure discovered at Iernut-Sfântu Gheorghe with a 7th century dwelling belonging to a warrior.