Florin Medeleţ

Jurnale de șantier și observații de teren (periegheze) (1969-1972) / Excavation diaries and field notes (periegesis) (1969-1972)

1 Ianuarie 2020

Cuvinte cheie:
cercetări de teren
săpături arheologice de sondaj
Florin Medeleţ
field researches
test trenches



The paper renders the content of two notebooks (texts – handwritten or sometimes dictated and sketches drawn by Florin Medeleţ). These excavation diaries cover the period between 1969 and 1972 and refer to both test trenches and field researches. They refer mainly to the excavations from Berzovia (1969, 1972), Remetea Mare (1970), Herneacova (1971). In addition to these, personal remarks on everyday events and interpersonal contacts were recorded. One has to mention that these notes were not intended for publishing!