Mărturii cu valoare artistică ale culturii urbane din Banat în epoca modernă în colecțiile Muzeului Național al Banatului / Testimonials of Artistic Value about the Urban Culture in the Banat Province from the Modern Times nowadays in the Collections of the National Museum of Banat
1 Ianuarie 2020
Cuvinte cheie:
Muzeul Naţional al Banatului
Compartimentul de Arte Vizuale
portrete nobiliare
colecţia Virgil Birou
donaţia testamentară Marieta Pamfil
The National Museum of Banat
the Visual Arts Department
portraits of the noble families
Virgil Birou collection
testamentary donation Marieta Pamfil
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This article illustrates the exhibitions and the strategy to enrich the cultural heritage of the National Museum of
Banat through acquisitions and gifts during the years 2019–2020, when a large number of objects were registered
in the inventories of the Visual Arts Department, of extremely diverse typologies: paintings, sculptures, graphic
works, ceramic, glass and metal objects, furniture, textiles and clothing accessories from different periods: portraits
from the galleries of the noble families Patyánszky de Viszák, Pálik-Ucsevny de Furluk, and Vukovics de Beregsău,
five paintings and one sculpture from the famous Virgil Birou collection, engineer, writer and photographer from
interwar Timișoara, the bequest of Marieta Pamfil with 11 art works (6 paintings, 2 graphic works, 3 sculptures)
by Ştefan Szőnyi și Andrei Orgonaș, which illustrate the world of Olga Szuits (1911–1992), the mother of Marieta
Pamfil and the muse of the painter Ştefan Szőnyi in the interwar period.