Despre unele sincronisme de la sfarsitul neoliticului tarziu si inceputul eneoliticului timpuriu din Banat siTransilvania. O abordare Bayesiana a unor date absolute publicate de curand si republicate recent / Certain Syncronisms Between the End of the Late Neolithic and the Beginning of the Early Eneolithic in Banat and Transylvania. A Bayesian Approach to Published Absolute Dates
1 Ianuarie 2013
Cuvinte cheie:
Neolitic târziu și eneolitic
Banat și Transilvania
abordare Bayesiană a datelor C14
Late Neolithic and Eneolithic
Banat and Transylvania
Bayesian approach of the 14C data
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The study analyses the syncronisms between the cultures of the late Neolithic and the early Eneolithic from
Banat and Transylvania, based on the Bayesian models of the 14C data gathered from Uivar-Gomilă, FoeniCimitirul Ortodox, Orăştie-Dealul Pemilor, Cerişor-Cauce and Alba Iulia-Lumea Nouă. By comparing the
absolute data with the stratigraphical situation of these sites, it has been concluded that the genesis of the
Turdas culture takes place during the Vinca C2 phase, with the help of some elements from Banat at that
time. Also, the Turdas II phase cannot be placed earlier than Vinca C2/C3, while Turdas III is contemporary
with Vinca C3-D and ends with the arrival of the Foeni group in Transylvania. Due to its new chronological
position, the Foeni group may have contributed not only to the genesis of the Petresti culture, but also that of
the Arisud-Cucuteni culture.