Aspecte privind evoluția comerțului in județul Severin in perioada 1944–1948 / Aspects from the evolution of the commerce in the district of Severin between 1944–1948
1 Ianuarie 2017
Cuvinte cheie:
judeţul Severin
Convenţia de Armistiţiu
oraşul Lugoj
Convention of Armistice
city of Lugoj
district of Severin
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The commerce was also afected of different problems: the control of the state in this domain; maintaining the
private property; changing the taxe system; refuse of the romanian government to participate to Marshall Plan,
proposed by U.S.A.; high prices to all merchendises; low quality of products; laws were changed (organisation of
Professional Rooms).
In this agitated period (1944–1948) there were necessary a series of measures that would stabilise the industry and
trades. For the urban traders, an important action was the reopering of the industrial railways Oraviţa-IeşenovaVârşeţ-Timişoara, belonging to the U.D.R. Society.
Between 1944–1947 took place some legislative changes, for example, the law for organizing the Professional
Chambers, establishing prices for different trades, even banning some of them to get on the markets.
The Severin district had to deal with some negative effects too, because the state started to controll everything
and everyone from the trading domain. Its commerce was affected by the sovietic robberies and abuses from
The instability of the internal market, and the lack of products because of the soviet army have encouraged the
traders to form societies of their own, professional organisations of traders, such as: The Society of Traders specialised in: wood, cereals, iron, meat and lambs, textiles, glass, food, skin and shoes, but all of them had to respect the
government’s rules.
In conclusion, the commerce in Severin between 1944–1948 was limited by the political factor and the state’s
control over it.