José Díaz-Diego

El advenimiento democrático en la Rumanía de 1990 y el principio del fin de su agricultura colectiva / The Democratic Advent of 1990’s Romania and the Beginning of the End of its Collective Agriculture

1 Ianuarie 2015

Cuvinte cheie:
National Salvation Front
agrarian counter-reform
colective agriculture
Frente de Salvación Nacional
contrarreforma agraria
agricultura colectiva



+e fall of Nicolae Ceaușescu regime in Romania in 1989 showed not only the collapse of a political system unable to survive its own internal contradictions and unable to o=er alternatives to the capitalist model operating across the Iron Curtain, but the end of a system whose land policy were based on a public and cooperative agriculture promotion. +ose agriculture policies were dismantled by the National Salvation Front (FSN) inmediately when that transition government was empowered after january 1990, only one month later of the 1989 December Revolution. However, the especialized literature has focused extensively in addressing the 1991 land reform, devoting less attention than it deserves, due to its importance, to the 'rst political and legal decisions of the FSN took to lay the groundwork of the future land privatization one year before. +e paper deals with the exposition and the analysis of the agro-liberal measures enacted to dismantling the collective agriculture of Romania by the predemocratic transitional government in 1990.