Augustin Mureşan
Puiu Emilian Valea
Două tipare sigilare ale Bisericii ortodoxe romane din Lipova / Two seals of the Romanian Orthodox church of Lipova
1 Ianuarie 2017
Cuvinte cheie:
Biserica ortodoxă română
the Romanian Orthodox Church
scena religioasă „Adormirea Maicii Domnului”
the religious scene of Assumption of the Virgin Mary
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The authors present two seals (made out of metal) of the Romanian Orthodox Church of Lipova, Arad county.
Both seals have in their emblem, the religious scene of Assumption of the Virgin Mary, wich is the feast day (the
dedication day) of the church of the locality. The first presented seal does not have a date, it probably comes from
the 18th century. The second seal dates from 1867, the year of manufacturing the seal. They are sigillography
sources for the history of this church.