Andrei Milin
Mirodrag Milin
Iugoslavii și Bărăganul (1955) / The Yougoslaves and the Baragan Question (1955)
1 Ianuarie 2016
Cuvinte cheie:
normalization of relations
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The death of the Soviet dictator Stalin breng to end the extreme tension among the countries of Eastern Communist Block and the Tito`s Yougoslavia. After the visit of new soviet lieder Hrusciov to Belgrade, slowly followed new steps toward a normalization of relations. The Yougoslav diplomacy started acting in Bucharest too, beginning with summer and autumn of 1955, in order to bring to end the deportation (of living in border area with Yugoslavia banatians) in Baragan plain and turn them home. The authors give a presentation of some relevant papers from Yugoslav diplomatic archives, revealing the pourparles taken place with Romanian communist rulers, in order to bring to a positive resolution the question of Baragan deportation.