Monica Monica Șandor-Chicideanu
O reprezentare miniaturală de încălţăminte descoperită la plosca-Cabana de metal, jud. Dolj / A Miniatural Shoe Reprsentation, Discovered at Plosca-Cabana de Metal, Dolj County
1 Ianuarie 2012
Cuvinte cheie:
reprezentare de încălţăminte
fi gurină de teracotă
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" e article discusses a terracotta fi gurine representing a shoe, an object founded during a surface research on the
southern beach of Lake Bistreţ at Plosca-Cabana de metal, Dolj County. On this occasion is rectifi ed a regrettable
confusion (owing to M. Neagoe in his recent article, see footnotes 3 and 6) made between this piece and other
one discovered at Cârna-Ostrovogania, in Grave no. 46, in a Žuto Brdo-Gârla Mare cemetery. " e article is a
good opportunity to re-discuss the other pieces representing miniatures of shoes or of human feet known in the
area of Gârla Mare culture, most of them founded in southern Oltenia. Equally, older debates concerning the
functions and possible signifi cances of these miniature fi gurines, sometimes confused with waterfowl protome,
are resumed. " e author expressed her doubts that clay miniatures of shoes could be pendants worn around the
neck, and believes that the low number of such pieces, in comparison with other fi gurines (anthropomorphic
statuettes, waterfowl protomae etc.), on this way discouraged the idea that these pieces have any religious or
spiritual connotations. " e author maintains a working hypothesis, expressed with another occasion that such
pieces could be attached to any version of anthropomorphic statuettes belonging to I A2 variant characterized by
a vertical channel that goes through the bust of the fi gurines. To this variant of fi gurines occurs, on the skirt or at
the hip, some perforations with still unknown utility.