Cercetări arheologice preventive pe traseul Autostrăzii Lugoj-Deva, lot 2. Descoperirile culturii Coțofeni de la Nemeșești, comuna Margina, județul Timiș / The Preventive Archaeological Research of Lugoj-Deva Motorway Project, 2nd Section. The Coțofeni Culture Discoveries from Nemeșești, Margina Commune, Timiș County
1 Ianuarie 2017
Cuvinte cheie:
eneolitic final
Late Eneolithic
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This paper presents recent discoveries of the Coţofeni culture from the northeast Timiş county, from Nemeşeşti,
Margina commune (Pl. I/1). The investigations were preventive and took place on the Lugoj – Deva Motorway
project. A peripheral area of a Coţofeni settlement was investigated and 19 features (different pits and a dwelling)
were discovered. The archaeological inventory consist mainly in very fragmented ceramics and flint cores or chips.
Based on the ceramic inventory the Coțofeni features from Nemeșești can be assigned to the Coțofeni 3rd phase.