Sabin Adrian Luca
Tiberiu Bogdan Sava
Gabriela Sava
Florian Dumitrescu-Chioar
Doru Păceșilă
Oana Gaza
Iuliana Stanciu
Bianca Ștefan
Date radiocarbon din situl arheologic de la Turdaș-Luncă (Cercetările preventive ale anului 2011) (II) / 14C Data from Turdaș-Luncă Archaeological site (Preventive Research of the Year 2011) (II)
1 Ianuarie 2017
Cuvinte cheie:
cultura Petrești
date radiocarbon
Petrești culture
C data
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The preventive archaeological excavations from 2011 made possible the unveiling of a significant part of the
archaeological site from Turdaș, Luncă point. Thousands of archaeological features were researched, also the defensive system of the site, the habitation neighborhoods and some other results of the human works (C403 and C1878