Situaţia economică şi politică a Banatului in anul 1946, reflectată in paginile cotidianului comunist „Luptătorul Bănăţean” din Timişoara 2/ The economic and political situation of Banat in 1946, reflected in the pages of the Communist daily «Fighter of Banat» in Timişoara
1 Ianuarie 2018
Cuvinte cheie:
economic laws
legi economice
parliamentary elections
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e year 1946 was economically marked by the continuation of the etatization measures, culminating in taking
over the state control over the National Bank of Romania at the end of December. Politically, 1946 was dominated by the prolonged electoral campaign, shaken by violence and abuses, and by the parliamentary elections in
November, forged by the Communist Party-controlled government coalition.
In 1946, the pages of the Communist daily «Fighter of Banat» in Timişoara (which appeared in the autumn of
1944) re#ect, subjectively, the economic situation of Banat and the attitude of the Banat workers towards the main
political events. After November 19, 1946, articles about drought, sabotage, grain collection, illiteracy, economics,
economic laws, and so on.
On a political level, all articles „traditional proletarians” plot the traditional parties and praise the work of the
Communist Party, its „satellites” and „comrades of the road”. After the elections of November 19, 1946, the
political articles of the Communist daily focus on two key themes: women’s rights (including religious a$airs –
Christmas with ample connections with the situation in Moldova) and the establishment of popular tribunals
(advanced proposal by the workers in Arad).
In conclusion, Communist propaganda made through the «Fighter of Banat» newspaper tried to be at least as
e$ective as the one launched through other Communist Party publications and its political allies in other parts of
the country.