Familia nobiliară Vuchetich de Brinye şi Cenei / The family Vuchetich nobles of Brinye and Ceney
1 Ianuarie 2018
Cuvinte cheie:
nobility in Banat
nobilime în Banat
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Historical research of the noble families of the Habsburg Empire occupies an important place in the concerns of
the researchers interested in the social elites. !e approach, as interesting, as necessary, is meant to contextualize
and provide important data on the involvement of the nobility in the social, political and ecclesiastical life of the
Empire. To fully understand the asset of nobility for the multicultural, multiethnic and multireligious space of the
Banat region, it is necessary to present all the noble families, regardless of their ethnic and religious a"liation. In
this context, the presentation of the family Vuchetich nobles of Brinye and Ceney can bring clari#cation also on
the establishment of the Croatian families in the region of Banat, as well as on the role played by this family in the
noble elites of the time.