Ciprian Glăvan

Instrucţiune privind organizarea Banatului Timişan (7 octombrie 1717) / Instruction regarding the organisation of Banat of Temes region (October 7, 1717)

1 Ianuarie 2018

Cuvinte cheie:



After the conquest of Timişoara by the Habsburgs in 1716, the new administration of the province proceeded with the organisation of the region, even before the Peace of Passarowitz (1718) o"cially awarded the Banat region and its capital Timişoara to the Habsburg Empire. #e present instruction, issued on October 7, 1717, was addressed to Alexander von Kallanek and Ignatz Hahn, which were appointed as the members of a commission meant to prepare the permanent organisation of the imperial province Banat of Temes. #ese dispositions of the central authorities from Vienna were partially modi$ed later, but that comes as no surprise given the fact that, in spite of reports received from Banat, they did not yet fully know the real situation of this region. #e present study handles di%erent aspects, regarding the initial organisation of the province e.g. administrative, demographic or religious aspects.