Delia Cora

Propaganda politică pentru și în timpul naționalizării comuniste / Political propaganda during and for communist nationalization

1 Ianuarie 2014

Cuvinte cheie:
propagandă politică
political propaganda



International political realities after World War II placed Romania in the sphere of Soviet domination. Under the guidance of Moskow, Romanian Communists would trigger the right to build socialism by imposing Stalinist-leninist ideology. The enforcement methods were similar to the Soviet ones: repression and persuation. To convince the public and sometimes even themselves to the righteousness of the measures taken, the Communists had developed a monstrous propaganda under the assault of which did not escape any compartment of the Romanian society. The development and optimisation of the propaganda had evolved in parallel with the Organization and functioning of the PCR., as the only political force with decision making power in the Romanian state. In Communist political concept, the propagandistic e ort was consubstantial to the governing act. The entire system worked in the same way as propaganda worked: the lies, misinformation, wild exaggerations, the manipulations were practiced by the communist propaganda. The most used means to indoctrinate Romanian society were censorship, control of information sources and propaganda people who were trained in party schools. Media, art, cinema, education, culture in general, were used by the Communist regime in Romania in achieving this goal: an egalitarian society in which the new man had to have a high level of political and ideological work, and to engage in a highly revolutionary spirit. The physical basis of society organized on the ideas of the scientific realism was provided by a centralized and industrialized economy, planned by the state. One of the great political battles on the imposition of social egalitarianism was confiscation of private property in any form:-producing industry, trade, banks, or agriculture. The first infamous attack was on 11 June 1948 when the industry was nationalized. Propaganda apparatus, massive and tentacular, had the mission to convince the population about economic necessity and political meanings of particular "historical act of 11 June 1948". This political pillage was presenting as being the moment when the working class had been released from the bondage of oppressive exploitative capitalist class. The merit was of course of the unique party vanguard of the working class. The exploitation of man by man being removed, the prospects of universal happiness and well-being were provided, but the class struggle continued. The enemies of communism were everywhere, they had to be denounced and eliminated. rough the work of clarification from man to man through the press, radio or any other source of information, Communist propaganda had proliferated terror, fear, hatred and slavery physically and mentally. Only by appropriating some slogans like: revolutionary vigilance, class struggle, saboteurs exposure, responsibility towards people, ocks, overruns in production plans, severe savings or voluntary work the political victory of 11 June 1948 nationalization could be defended and strenghtened. Like the other great victories of Communists in their struggle to impose totalitarian Stalinist invoice system, the nationalization of producing private property received the entire, institutional, propagandistic political mobilization of state party, both at central level and at the local level