Vlad Popovici
Ovidiu Emil Iudean

Romanian election newssheets in Banat and Transylvania before 1918

1 Ianuarie 2014

Cuvinte cheie:
alegeri parlamentare
periodice electorale
presă politică
parliamentary elections
election newssheets
political press



The study analyses three publications that appeared in 1909 and 1910 and had a purely electoral nature: Oraviţa, Alegătorul (the Voter) and Sus inimile (Raise Your Hearts). These are the only Romanian election newssheets prior to the year 1918 that were preserved from Transylvania and Banat, being little known and referred to in historiography. the study presents the publications’ content, their role within the moment’s electoral campaign and the relationship between the information they offer and the one provided by other sources from the same period. The conclusions emphasise the important role played by these newssheets in understanding the electoral process at the beginning of the 20th century, but also their obvious limitations and especially the caution with which one must use the information they offer, as it is clearly influenced by their’ propagandistic and mobilising character.