Costin Feneșan

O descriere a cetății Timişoara din august 1716 / A description of the Fortress of Timişoara (Temeswar) from August 1716

1 Ianuarie 2014

Cuvinte cheie:
fortress of Timişoara (TEMESWAR)
lucrări de fortificaţie
porţile cetăţii
cetatea Timişoara
fortification works
gates of the fortress



After the victory at Peterwardein (August 5, 1716), the Imperial austrian army under the command of Prince Eugene of Savoy moved across the Tisza-river to attack Timişoara (Temeswar), the main fortress of the Ottoman Banat. In order to be provided with reliable information on the strenght of the fortied city, the Austrian generals have sent to Timişoara, as may be presumed at the beginning of August 1716 or even earlier, a spy named John (János) Tutovicz, at that time judge of the town of Szeged (nowadays in South-Eastern Hungary). On the basis of Tutovicz’ eyewitness accounts, Prince Eugene obtained an accurate description (published now in the original German version and its translation into Rumanian) of the fortress and fortication works of Timişoara, wich he certain used in organizing the siege of the city, crowned by its surrender as of October 13, 1716.