Students from Temesvár/Timişoara Studying at Foreign Universities in the Middle Ages
1 Ianuarie 2019
Cuvinte cheie:
medieval universities
medieval peregrination
medieval Temesvár/Timişoara
medieval Hungary
medieval Banat
students from medieval Hungary
universități medieval
pelerinaj medieval
Timișoara medieval
Ungaria medieval
Banatul medieval
studenți din Ungaria medieval
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e study consists of four chapters that are followed by a list containing the names of students who attended the
University of Vienna and that of Cracow prior to 1552. e first chapter that goes after the part in which the
author recalls his personal memories about Alxandru Szentmiklosi, gives a brief overview of medieval Central
European universities (Prague, Cracow and Vienna). In the second chapter the author discusses the circumstances
of foundation as well as the activity of medieval Hungarian universities (Pécs, Óbuda, Pozsony). e third chapter
outlines the main tendencies and results of research into the history of the Hungarian peregrinatio academica in
the Middle Ages. e fourth chapter deals with the history of medieval peregrination in relation to the DanubeTisza/Tisa-Maros/Mureş region in general and to Temesvár/Timişoara in particular. As a result of his research the
author, by utilizing the new publications of primary and secondary sources, identified 61 persons from medieval
Temesvár/Timişoara who attended foreign universities (Vienna: 35, Cracow: 25 and Bologna: 1) prior to 1552.