Așezarea din secolele IV-V d.Hr. de pe Varianta Ocolitoare Sud a municipiului Timișoara, Situl 3 / The Settlement from the 4th-5th centuries AD on the South Bypass Variant of Timișoara, Site 3
1 Ianuarie 2019
Cuvinte cheie:
fire installations
hun age
instalaţii de foc
locuinţe adâncite în pământ
epoca hunică
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e preventive archaeological research carried out in the archaeological site of Giroc, on the Timişoara Sud bypass,
Km. 12 + 260 – 12 + 980 (Site 3), was aimed to discharge the archaeological load of the perimeter that will
be affected by the construction of the road. A surface with 720 m length and between 22 and 25 m width was
researched. Apart from a few ditches or other modern interventions, which affected the terrain very little, all 181
identified archaeological features were dated back to the 4th–5th centuries AD. In the present study, we focus on
the presentation of deep-dwelling in the ground provided with fire installations. Following our analysis, we can
conclude that the fire installations in the dwellings from the Tisza Plain appear during the 2nd–3rd centuries only
in isolated cases, in the form of hearths. In the period from the end of the 4th century and in the first half of the
5th-century the hearths began to appear in greater numbers, and ovens were dug into the walls of the houses.