Contribuții feminine în prima mare conflagrație mondială / Female Contributions in the First World War
1 Ianuarie 2020
Cuvinte cheie:
Prima Mare Conflagraţie Mondială
contribuţii feminine
mentalităţi individuale și colective
efort de război
Europa Centrală și de Vest
norme sociale
The First World War
female contributions
individual and collective mentalities
war effort
Western and Central Europe
social norms
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By the mobilization of millions of soldiers during the war years, the First World War was the first major conflict
which brought the confrontation of the greatest European powers and also revealed the importance of the woman
in the 20th century society. In her husband’s absence she became the mistress of the house, the belligerent states
experiencing an exponential increase of women employed mainly in industrial work, agriculture, or even transportation. Women also joined the army auxiliary corps as nurses, technicians, telephone operators or telegraphists. As
a consequence, many women have begun to become aware of their new roles in society and to openly display and
assert their new attributes of independence.
The First World War was a modern, technological conflict that tested and smashed the codes and expectations
regarding male courage and masculinity in general. It represented a turning point and a catalyst for change in the
history of the 20th century in terms of gender relations, women actively getting involved in restoring the global
balance. Through all these, the dawn of a new era was anticipated. One of the aspects that most visibly influenced
the change of women’s status during the First World War was their access to a wide variety of occupations in areas
previously reserved only for men, once it became clear that this conflict would be neither short-term nor an easy
one. From these points of view, the war was perceived as a strong impetus for female emancipation and for the exit
of women from their traditional roles deeply rooted in the collective memory of the time.