Ligia Boldea

Asupra unor controverse fiscale în Caransebeşul primei jumătăţi a secolului al XVII-lea / On Some Fiscal Controversies Within The First Half Of The 17th Century In Caransebeş

Jan. 1, 2012

„defectum seminis”
domeniu fiscal
Fürstentum Siebenbürgen
Principatul Transilvaniei



Two of the most representative Romanian noble families in the Banat of Caransebeş and Lugoj (Măcicaş of Tincova and Mâtnic of Ohaba-Mâtnic) came by the middle of the 17th century in the situation to dispute their ownership on some parts of the familial patrimony in front of the princely judgement, as those parts had been exposed to retract and limitation on the fi sc account; the motivation was in both the cases according to a presumptive phenomenon of defectum semins as invoked by the treasury causes attorneys. Those causes were asserted in lawsuits for some years and entailed a whole procedural palette developed in front of the princely judgement chair; fortunately for the historical approach accuracy, almost the entire documentation was preserved, including the final findings that had given the case for the two noble families.