Activitatea edilitară ca reflectare a cunoștiinţelor – complexe monumentale de șanţuri circulare (Kreisgrabenanlagen) din mileniul al V-lea î. Chr. din Europa Centrală / Construction as an Embodiment of Knowledge – Monumental Circular Ditch Complexes (Kreisgrabenanlagen) in Central Europe in the 5th Millennium BC
Jan. 1, 2011
5th Millenium BC
Central Europe
circular ditches
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The study deals with the fortified enclosures consisting of circular ditches in South Germany and Lower Austria.
By studying these monuments and taking into account the fact that they are oriented according to various
geographic and astronomical points of reference, the author concludes that their builders had very advanced
astronomical knowledge. The Ippersheim complex represents an argument for the hypothesis that astronomic (and
cosmological?) orientations are not only symbolic in nature. The fact that fixed reference points are used and the
fact that the complex is situated at the intersection of topographically fixed axes indicate that one of the purposes
of these enclosures was the contemplation of cyclical celestial phenomena. In principle, one of the aims of circular
ditch complexes in the 5th millennium is to encode contemporary astronomic knowledge in a spatial-monumental
form, for the first time at least in Europe.