Sorin Mitu

Analiza identităților țărăneşti din Transilvania prin intermediul izvoarelor folclorice / An analysis of peasant identities in Transylvania through folkloric sources

Jan. 1, 2014

18th – 19th centuries
historical sources
peasant identities
secolele XVIII – XIX
surse istorice
identităţi ţărăneşti



The paper is presenting the bibliography and the sources referring to the problems of Romanian peasant identities in Transylvania in the modern epoch. After reviewing the bibliography, a classification and an analysis of sources id made, divided into sources that “go in” (religious, educational and school literature, calendars, churchly memoranda) and sources that “go out” from the village world (offcial inquiries, notes on the book and folklore). Further on the author insists upon the folkloric sources being analyzed a series of folk texts relevant for the problems of identity. The conclusions highlight the similitude between identity mechanisms at the level of peasant mentality and the modern ones.