Ligia Boldea

Tradiție şi continuitate în lumea demnitarilor români ai Banatului de Caransebeş şi Lugoj – Gârleştenii de Rudăria / Tradition and continuity in the world of the romanian officials from the Banat of Caransebeş and Lugoj – the Gârleşteanu of Rudăria family

Jan. 1, 2014

the Gârleşteanu family
16th–17th centuries
familia Gârleşteanu
familie nobilă
secolele XVI–XVII



Amongst the noble Romanian families from the Banat of the Medieval and Early Modern ages, the Gârleşteanu of Rudăria family cut a distinctive figure through their almost permanent connection to local power centres. The reality is easily verifiable, as within one and a half centuries, from the end of 15th century to 1658, no less than 7 members of the family have held some of the highest offices in the Banat of Severin, later on in the Banat of Caransebeş and Lugoj: they have been bani of Severin, viscounts/ castellans of the Severin County and mayors of Caransebeş. An interesting model of ascension and fostering of the political influence was based on a series of remarkable personalities of the family, as well as on a material prosperity resulting from the real estate inheritance and from the incomes gathered in time through the carrying out of the held offices. The present article continues the history of the family during the ages of the Principality by treating the genealogic aspects and the involvement of its members in local politics.