Gheorghe Corneliu Lazarovici
Magda Cornelia Lazarovici

Despre marile teme religioase din cultura Vinča / About the Great Religious Themes of Vinča Culture

Jan. 1, 2014

religious themes
Vinča culture
teme religioase
cultura Vinča



In this study we made a quite large presentation of some important religious themes of Vinča culture, one the most important civilization of Neolithic period. Based on di!erent discoveries, on literature, as well as on our own experience we have noticed that many of the main religious themes are intercorrelated. So, we have discussed the problem of sanctuaries and cultic inventory, focus on Zorlenţu Mare, Balta Sărată, as well as on Liubcova discoveries. It was discussed and the fragmentation of idols, ritual breaking of sacred e"gies, how it is right to be named, idols or ƒgurines. We referred to the types of masks (human or animal) illustrated by Vinča plastic art. In connection with masks we have approached other problems, such as sacred liquid, symbols of power and social distinctions (cross band, belt, diagonal band etc.). Another important theme is related with birth and sexual organs (phallus, vulva), some artifacts giving us opportunity to present analogies or similar depicting manner. Vinča plastic art also re#ect the theme man-bird, bird, #ight (idol or amulets of Zorlenţ type, with anthropomorphic and ornithomorphic attributes). Dance and music are part of sacred, expressed through alto relief manner of rendering feminine characters on Zorlenţu Mare pots; ocarina discovered at Liubcova can be considered as one of the earliest musical instruments in the area. We did not avoided elements related with magic, but we have underlined that is quite di"cult to make di!erence between the white and the black magic practices, based on artifacts from Zorlenţu Mare, Gornea, or Balta Sărată. Another topic was related to the symbols and signs discovered on several objects related with sacred: idols, pots, altars, table/altars, candles, sacred house, tablets, plates, discs, buttons, and breads. Analogies and similarly discoveries have been presented with reference to our database, Scrierea (Word), as well as the Danube script. Analyzes of di!erent artifacts has underline other important themes, such as sacred marriage, oranta (worship position), throne etc. Most of the religious themes of Vinča culture as in other civilizations are related with events of humans and cycles of nature, sacred and profane being in an inextricably dependence.