Ligia Boldea

Structuri domeniale in Banatul medieval de Campie. Date asupra patrimoniului funciar al unui comite de Caras din perioada angevina / Manor Structures in the Medieval Plain Banat. Data on the Real Estate Ownage of a Caras County Earl From the Angevine Period

Jan. 1, 2013

perioada angevină
comitatul Caraş
Posa de Szer
domeniu funciar
Angevine period
County Caraş
Posa of Szer
real estate



e historographical incursion that we have proposed for ourselves, was intended to be focused on the well defined prototype of a dignitary (earl and castellan) of the Angevine period, vector of the royal policy implemented in one of the counties from the Southern frontier of the Hungarian Kingdom. We consider that the political-administrative career of the magister Posa of Szer, as well as his family, offers an extremely suggestive model of the power mechanism which functions at the level of the medieval Banat of the 14th century. e documents betray a special cohesion of interests, but also a personal one between father and sons, which went to the point, that at the middle of the century, the switch in the county leadership between the magister Posa and his sons appeared as a natural passing on of the torch of the tasks supposed by the county administration from one generation to another. We consider that the particular case of the magister Posa de Szer and of his family is illustrative also for the way in which the function and the auxiliary honour intertwined with the accumulation of personal real estate goods, which has led to the formation of a remarkable family estate, spread out across most Banat counties. It is an interesting case study, revealing through the prism of the information that have survived the time, a pattern that has surely multiplied in an exponential way at the level of the whole kingdom. It is also, an interesting political fresco, lively, which intents to complete the ensemble of the complex realities of the medieval Banat from the 14th century with new data on the manor structures that have coagulated on the Southern borders of the Hungarian Kingdom, in the Banat plain counties.