Erwin Gáll
Mihály Huba Hőgyes
Réka Fülöp

Despre ce ne vorbesc hărțile? Problema lipsei necropolelor din perioada secolelor VIII‒X în Transilvania Estică și Centrală, respectiv în nordul și centrul Olteniei și Munteniei: între stadiul cercetării, contextualizare regională, statutul perifericși habitusul cultural / What do maps tell us about the lack of burial sites in Eastern and Central Transylvania, respectively in North and Central of

Feb. 1, 2020

secolele VIII–X
Bazinul Transilvaniei
siturile funerare
lipsa siturilor funerare
habitusul cultural
Transylvanian Basin
funerary sites
lack of burial sites
cultural habitus



In the scientific debates published to this date, there is a huge number of contributions addressing the archaeological spectrum of burial sites in the Transylvanian Basin and Muntenia from a general and comprehensive perspective, however, without taking into account regional or microregional conditions. This omission is mainly caused by an anachronistic presumption of uniformity, perpetuated in the theoretical approaches in archaeology, the roots of which can be traced back to the 18th–19th century dogmatics about the nation as the primary human organizational form. This article proposes to debate ‒ perhaps in a non-classic way ‒ the lack of burial sites in certain regions of the Transylvanian Basin, Oltenia and Muntenia, and attributes this hiatus to a lesser extent to the current state of research and to a greater extent to the differences in burial customs, respectively to the differently demographical indexes between these regions.