Daniela Tănase

Marturii arheologice din epoca timpurie a migratiilor in Banat – Etapa D2 / Archaologische Belege aus der fruhen Volkerwanderungszeit im Banat – die Stufe D2

Jan. 1, 2013

etapa D2
Stufe D2



e D2 Phase of the early migrations period coincides with the culmination of the Hun rule. In D2 stage one can observe a confinement of habitatation in the Banat Plain (Map 2) compared with the earlier period – Phase D1 (Map 1). In the present stage of research we can affirm that in the Banat region no single settlement was archaeologically investigated that could be assigned with certainty to the D2 chronological horizon. is situation is not a particular phenomenon, for a more intense inhabitation in D1 than in D2 phase was remarked for the entire territory of present day Romania. Artefacts from Banat one can date in D2 Phase come mostly from graves accidentally discovered in the 19th century. Only one necropolis from Timișoara-Freidorf was systematically investigated during 1988 – 2006. e discovery of luxury items in Banat (the graves from Izvin and Periam, the grave? from Denta) indicate the presence of a tribal elite that gravitated around a Hun power centre situated most probably west to the confluence area of the Mureş and Tisa rivers. From the perspective of funeral discoveries, the Banat Plain seem to have been populated mostly by tribes of Alanic and Germanic origin, probably Gepids. e archaeological landscape of Banat in Phase D2 is extremely modest, the region being sparely inhabited. e goal of future researche will be clarify aspects related to habitatation during the height of the Hun Empire.