Andrei Georgescu

Observatii asupra unei fibule descoperite la Foeni, jud. Timis Remarks Regarding a Bronze Fibula Unearthed at Foeni, Timis County

Jan. 1, 2013

Imperiul Habsburgic
orizontul Duchcov-Münsingen
obiecte mici
Duchcov-Münsingen Horizon
small finds



A team of specialists started a research project in the early 90s with the aim of studying the economic and social organization of a single Starčevo-Criş settlement. e archaeological campaign that started in the summer of 1992 brought to light, among other things, a 4th – 3rd century BC bronze fibula of the well known Duchcov type. e piece is in a fragmentary state. It has a six coil spring (out of which only three remain), with the chord, partially missing, placed in front. e foot of the fibula is bent towards the arch, climbing above it without touching it. It has a small globular decoration placed towards the end of the foot. e fibula belongs to the A3 type in the typological system proposed by I. Németi and type 2 in the one created by V. Zirra. Judging by the analysis of the rest of early La Téne funerary finds in the Banat and Crișana regions and the morphology of the piece, we can assume that the Duchcov type fibula from Foeni-Sălaș dates from the LtB2 sub-phase, meaning roughly the end of the 4thcentury and the beginning of the 3rd century BC.