Lupta românilor din Banat şi Câmpia Aradului pentru biserică şi şcoală naţională (1814-1816). Câteva documente / The Struggle of the Romanians from the Banat and the Plane of Arad for National Church and School (1814–1816) – Some Documents
Jan. 1, 2016
Preparatory school for teachers at Arad
Moise Nicoară
Dimitrie Țichindeal
Preparandia din Arad
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Starting from seven documents preserved at the Library of the Romanian Academy in Bucharest among the papers
of Moise Nicoară, the study is focusing on two essential goals of the Romanians in the Banat and the Plane of Arad.
The main was the election of a Romanian Bishop at Arad as leader of the national movement in opposition to the
superior Serbian orthodoxe church-hierarchy at Karlowitz. At the same time and no less important was the struggle lead by Dimitrie Țichindeal and Moise Nicoară to sustain the developement of the newly established (1812)
Preparatory school for Romanian teachers at Arad (Preparandia) face to the machinations inspired by the Serbian
school-inspector Uroš Nestorović with blessings from Stefan Stratimirović, Metropolite at Karlowitz. The clash
over the church-language at the orthodoxe church in Lipova (as described by five documents from 1815–1816) is
to be considered as part of the confrontation between the Romanians and the lower and higher Serbian clergy for
national-religious and educational autonomy in the larger frame of the Habsburg Monarchy.