Medalii și diplome ale meșterului Peter Schwarz din Jimbolia în colecţia Muzeului Banatului din Timișoara / Medals and Diplomas Awarded to Peter Schwarz from Jimbolia Found in the Collections of the Banat Museum in Timişoara
Jan. 1, 2011
collection of the Banat Museum in Timișoara
regional and international exhibitions
medals and diplomas
Jimbolia (Hatzfeld)
orthopedist Peter Schwarz
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In 1980 the Banat Museum in Timişoara purchased from Johann Vastag, a resident of Jimbolia and former clerk of
the local Craftsmen’s Guild, some items belonging to the guilds from Jimbolia, including four medals, one plaque
and five diplomas, awarded to the local craftsman Peter Schwarz. He was born on January 13, 1873 in Jimbolia.
Between 1887 and 1892 he was apprentice for Anton Hicke, barber from Jimbolia, then between 1892 and 1899
he trained in Budapest. During this period he specialized in several crafts, including bandaging. Returning to
Jimbolia, he worked as barber and wig maker, but also as bandager, orthopedist and prostheses maker.
He owned a workshop for prostheses in Jimbolia. There, under the guidance of a specialized doctor, a wide
variety of specific articles were manually produced. This included prostheses and parts of them, support devices (for
articular inflammations), orthopaedic corsets (for backbone’s affections), bandages for fractures, elastic bandages,
orthopaedic shoes and others.
Peter Schwarz became known throughout the entire Banat. Until 1914 he had “branches” in Bega-Sankt
Georgen (today Žitište in Serbia) and Modosch (today Jaša Tomić in Serbia). He collaborated for many years with
Dr. Karl Diel (1855-1930), a renowned surgeon and director of the Hospital in Jimbolia.
Schwarz participated in local and regional exhibitions but also in famous international fairs. Most of the
distinctions received were for orthopaedic works. He was awarded several gold and silver medals, numerous
diplomas and letters of recognitions. Between 1931 and 1949 Peter Schwarz acted as president of the Craftsmen’s
Guild and president of the Craftsmen’s and Merchants’ Casino from Jimbolia. He was married to Margarethe Vaczi
and had four children: Margarethe, Peter, Stefan and Mathias. He died on September 24, 1963 in Jimbolia and
was interred on 26 September in the local cemetery.
This paper presents the medals and diplomas issued to Peter Schwarz, from the collections of the Banat
Museum in Timişoara: the merit medal of the Industrial exhibition in Jimbolia (1908); the Grand Prix, the
golden medal and diploma of the International exhibition in Paris (1910); the golden medal and diploma of the
Industrial, agricultural and modern inventions exhibition in Rome (1911/1912); the golden plaque and honorary
diploma of the Industrial, agricultural and domestic industries exhibition in Jimbolia (1925). Beside these are
presented the honorary diploma of the Agricultural and industrial exhibition in Biled (1924); the “Obermeister”
diploma of the “Eisenring” Merchants’ and Craftsmen’s Association from Timişoara (1929) and the certificate for
the medal for “Industrial and commercial merit”, 1st class (1935), awarded to Peter Schwarz on the anniversary of
50 years of craftsmanship.
The medals and diplomas of Peter Schwarz are proof of a special professional career and of his remarkable skills.
His entire life and work in Jimbolia is being remembered, alongside the other personalities of the city from the late
19th century and early 20th century.