Radu Ardelean

Districtele medievale din Banat în viziunea lui Vicenţiu Grozescu / The Romanian Medieval Districts in Banat in the View of Vicenţiu Grozăvescu

Jan. 1, 2011

Moyen Age
contrées roumaines



Vicenţiu Grozescu was born at Comloșu Mare (Banat) and was a priest for 34 years, first at Sânnicolau Mare, and then at Lugoj, where he was Greek-Catholic arch-priest. He was one of the founders of the Romanian National Party and a prominent member of ASTRA. He published numerous studies in history in which he dealt with issues of medieval history, most prominently the problem of medieval districts. In his discussion of medieval districts, Grozescu brings arguments as to the early presence of the Romanian population on the territory of Banat. Despite errors in information and certain forced interpretations of historical facts, Vincenţiu Grozescu remains a romantic historian contaminated by positivistic influences, being one of the precursors of modern Romanian historiography in Banat.