De getis apud Nasonem … la poesie d’Ovide comme source pour l’étude des getes K De getis apud nasonem … / Ovid’s Poetry as Source for the Study of the Getae
Jan. 1, 2011
Tristia and Pontic epistles
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In the year 8 CE, the poet Ovid is sent in relegatio in perpetuum to Tomis, a Greek city on the Black Sea, identified as
the modern Romanian town Constanţa. During his stay in Tomis – which lasted until his death – he continuously
complained about barbarians in town and about barbaric invaders. The most commonly mentioned are the Getae,
who many Romanians today consider their ancestors. Our work builds on Alexander Podossinov's research Ovids
Dichtung als Quelle für die Geschichte des Schwarzmeergebiets and analyzes how far Ovid's poetry may be taken as a
primary source for the study of the Getic people and where it should be considered a poetic or a political invention.
the study also aims to provide a critical view of existing Romanian theories about Ovid and his relations with the
Getae. It is concluded that the verses of Ovid are mostly unreliable as a historic source about the Getic population
of his time, but provide a good idea of Roman knowledge and imaginings about Tomis and its region at the
beginning of the first century CE.