Alexandru Szentmiklosi
Zsuzsanna Kopeczny
Andrei Bălărie

Descoperirile arheologice din hotarul localităţii Gaj (Serbia). Colecţia Almásy / Archaeological FindingsAt the Border Area of Gaj (Serbia). Almásy Collection

Jan. 1, 2011

Žuto Brdo-Gârla Mare
inlaid pottery



The names of five scientific personalities-Almásy György, Chernel István, Miske Kálmán, Bella Lajos and Bódog Milleker, whose evolutions met in a relatively short period of time because of the particularities of the two archaeological sites, are linked to the Gaj findings. If Almásy György can be thanked for his focus and effort in starting the archaeological research, it was Miske K. and Bella L. who introduced these discoveries into the archaeological literature of the time, and consequently to the general interest into these findings, they had started the first archaeological researches. But we owe most to B. Milleker, whose scientific work continues to be not only a tool but also a reference point for his commitment to the preservation of the vestiges of the past and to the conduct of archaeological research according to scientific criteria. the archaeological findings at Gaj-Beli Breg demonstrate the existence of a cremation necropolis belonging to the Žuto Brdo-Gârla Mare culture, where together with elements from the “classical” stage of the culture, there are also pottery vessels whose shape and ornaments plead for an earlier chronological classification, contemporary to the evolution of the Szeremle-Bjelo Brdo group. The Gaj-Csollak-féle malom and Beli Breg findings became part of the archaeological literature and despite their mistaken location (Kovin area), the particularities of the artifacts discovered there turned the two sites into major reference points in the pre-history of the Banat region.